
Showing posts from March, 2008

Bagaimana mengobati sakit hati karena putus cinta

Semua orang pasti pernah mengalami rasanya mencintai, sebuah rasa yang tidak bisa digambarkan dengan kata-kata karena tidak akan pernah cukup kata untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana rasanya mencintai dan semuanya akan terasa indah karena cinta dan rasanya semua lagu selalu cocok dengan perjalanan cinta yang kita rasakan. Tetapi bagaimana kalau tiba-tiba si dia memutuskan hubungan cinta itu karena sesuatu sebab? Pasti rasanya sangat menyakitkan seolah-olah dunia runtuh dan tidak adalagi yang bisa dilakukan didunia ini. Makan tak enak, tidurpun tak nyenyak dan gelisah selalu menyeruak. Putusnya hubungan cinta pada dasarnya bukan karena tidak ada kecocokan lagi tetapi lebih pada sudah tidak adanya pengertian lagi, coba kalau ada pengertian dari keduanya pasti hubungan anak terus berlanjut. Lalu bagaimana menyembuhkan luka karena putus cinta? tips untuk menyembuhkan luka karena putus cinta ada 3 : Cari cinta yang baru sehingga hari-harimu tidak lagi sendiri dan hanya bengong merenungi kegagalan...


Tertarik dengan artikel yang diposting oleh adeq tentang seorang anak SMU yang berkomentar bahwa mengakses situs esek-esek merupakan suatu kebutuhan, aku jadi ingat beberapa tahun yang lalu ketika pertamakali aku mengenal internet kalau tidak salah sekitar tahun 2001 ketika aku bekerja disebuah perusahaan yang menggunakan layanan internet sebagai fasilitas kerja. Sebetulnya koneksi internet yang ada dikantorku digunakan untuk mengirimkan laporan harian secara online karena perusahaan tempatku bekerja memiliki cabang hampir disemua kota besar di Indonesia dan kebutuhan laporan harian sangat dibutuhkan sehingga pihak management menggunakan layanan internet sebagai solusinya , tetapi oleh beberapa karyawan termasuk aku tentunya menggunakan untuk hal-hal lain hehehe Ceritanya ada seorang temanku entah mengapa hampir setiap hari temanku selalu minta padaku untuk mencarikan cerita ataupun foto seputar hal-hal yang berbau seperti itu ( mungkin teman-teman masih ingat situs dan ...

Auto Insurances Quotes

Like that once I write here about the insurance and now I also will write about the vehicle insurance that is the development from the insurance business. Considering increasingly the height of the level of the vehicle accident especially the car then increasingly big also the requirement would the car insurance and this become the business land that is very profitable considering the customers of the car insurance who increasingly increase Some necessary possibly consideration in choosing your car insurance company will mean so much because at this time many companies that are involved in the car insurance and one of them is advantage auto quotes, this is the Company Offers Vehicle and Automobile Insurance Quote and I am convinced this online car insurance company the can becomes your choice. any types of Car Insurance Coverage for your vehicle kind does not become the problem and they will become the partner is believed for you. They will offer you a lowest rate for auto insurance...

Search Engine Optimization

Hello guys, do you know seocontest2008 ? I think too many blogger and seo master joining in this contest don’t you? I don’t have join in this contest but I want to talk about Search Engine Optimization . Our problem on building a website is how to get rank on biggest search engine like google, yahoo and many biggest search engines? Few important steps to build a website are what do you want to give for your visitor this is very important because that’s make you will focus on your target visitor. how choosing the right keyword and placing the keyword on your website site, this is make easy when people find your website by typing your keyword. How to link building will increase your traffic and that’s making increase your rank on search engine too. It’s simple? I don’t think so, because too many things to do for search engine optimization and if you want learn more about search engine optimization you can visit, this is a search engine optimization services and I th...

Blog homepage text link dari blogsvertise

Setelah sekian lama blogsvertise berkutat dengan review sekarang blogsvertise memunculkan sebuah peluang baru yaitu homepage text link, sebenarnya sudah muncul beberapa waktu yang lalu tetapi baru kemarin aku coba bersama dengan adeq tentunya ini membuat kita juga lebih mudah untuk memburu $ dari blogsvertise. Kalau biasanya kita mendapatkan job untuk review sebuah produk ataupun sebuah layanan tetapi job homepage text link ini kita hanya diminta untuk memasang link advertiser seperti Text Links ads , linkworth dan beberapa broker yang lain di blog kita. Rasanya $5 bukanlah harga yang terlalu kecil mengingat yang kita kerjakan hanya memasang link diblog kita tanpa melakukan review dan untuk pembayarannya seperti job review dari blogsvertise yang lain. Udah dulu ya info dari saya semoga berguna, semoga saya bisa memberikan tips dan info yang lain.

Best web hosting

After chatting with a friend about the domain name and hosting but sometimes I was still confused where I bought the domain and hosting because many that offered the domain and the best web hosting with the cheap price. I like that did still not know about the domain and hosting finally was severed by me to look for information and finally I found this site. This site give us tips to choose the best web hosting that was best for website we so as to be able to support our work in managed website. Of course in this site we will get information how to choose the best web hosting . Why? If we using a bad web hosting maybe we will see the problem on our website like the hosting down or etc. I think is wise choice if you come to this site after buy a domain name and before find the best web hosting .


Sebenarnya judul diatas agak ekstrim tetapi mengingat beberapa kejadian yang dialami teman-teman setelah mengikuti program paid review seperti turunnya pagerank Seperti yang pernah saya tulis beberapa hari yang lalu tentang tetap eksis di bisnis paid review , mungkin kita perlu cadangan blog yang digunakan untuk bisnis paid review jika sewaktu-waktu pagerank turun. Dan yang paling mengagetkan terberangusnya semua blog milik mas dasir ( meskipun untuk yang satu ini saya yakin bukan karena digunakan paid review ) tetapi cukuplah untuk kita belajar bersama bagaimana memanage blog kita, barangkali sekarang ini kita perlu juga bersiap –siap untuk membuat blog dengan account berbeda ataupu layanan yang berbeda untuk mengantisipasi di bannednya account kita semoga ini bukan karena kekhawatiran yang terlalu berlebihan . Di bannednya sebuah account untuk blogger memang sangat samar untuk aturannya Karena apa yang mereka sebut SPAM itu tidak ada kriteria yang pasti berapakah jumlah pos...

Manage money with credit cards

Few years ago, I’ve got an application letter from a bank for applied credit card, but I’m not interest because I don’t need credit card for buying something. But, now I think credit cards is important thing for me if I’m going to buy on store or buying something in internet and of course for you too. In the global market or in modern market we can buy with credit cards because if we using it with wise, credit card are very helpful, we don’t need bring to much money on our pocket and we can buy anything we need and we pay monthly. It’s just simple to apply for a credit card , you just fill the form from the credit card agency and they will ask you for verifying data and you get your credit cards about 2 or 3 week latter. Are you having Interest free credit cards ? You can visit the and you will find information about that and I think that’s a good idea for visit the site.

Computer Support

Getting the right network service company to help your company can be tricky. There are so many out there that don't have the experience or the tools to ensure that your company will be up and running, but BNC Systems has all of those things. As leading Denver computer support BNC has been helping companies with all of their networking and other computer consulting needs. Just a quick visit to their website and I'm sure you'll be on the phone calling them to help you, or, at the very least, checking out their blog for some quick advice from the experts there at BNC. Go ahead and check them out and see if I'm not right.


Bedah buku adalah salah satu kegiatan yang aku sukai bukan karena aku seorang intelektual atau seorang akademisi tetapi aku suka kalo dapat buku secara gratis dan tadi malam seorang teman memberikan sebuah undangan acara bedah buku hari ini bertempat digedung UC UGM, sebenarnya aku tertarik untuk dating tetapi apa daya kerjaan yang ada dimejaku belum juga kelar. Aku bayangkan suasana yang menyenangkan digedung gedung UC, pasti akan ramai dengan suasana diskusi antara pengunjung, moderator serta si penulis buku MENGUTAMAKAN RAKYAT yaitu mayjend TNI Saurip Kadi wow, jendral bo.., dalam buku ini sang jendral banyak membahas, mengkritisi pemerintahan serta keberpihakannya pada rakyat dengan ide-ide cemerlang yang kadang diluar jalur yang biasa dipakai oleh otoritas Indonesia. Salah satu bagian yang aku suka seperti "Sistem jenegaraan yang berlaku selama ini, secara obyektif rasional, tidak mungkin menjamin negara bias berhasil mengemban misinya, Hubungan antar kelembagaan belum di...

Life insurance for your Kids

Have a baby or kids? I have a baby with 7 month of age and I really love him. I want in future he have good life. Yes, all people wants to make a better life for kid in future and life insurance kids program is a good idea make good life for our kids and protection against an unforeseen accident Life insurance kids and education insurance is very important for kids and that’s good investment for life because we aren’t feel worry with kids future. When I’m trying to find a good life insurance kids program in internet, I found a life insurance company offers about $1 buys $20.000 for life insurance kids. Yes, you just spent $1 and we can make save and secure our child, I think this is a good idea and if you want more information you can visit the website too, because you will find any information about life insurance kids program and I’m sure you will feel lucky to making good decision. If you really want to care and love your kids with life insurance kids program you can visit onedo...

Bad credit offer

As an entrepreneur sometimes I got credit offer some company but I’m afraid how to pay the credit. Some marketing trying make me trust him, and they said will help. But when I’m looking for bad credit loans in internet I found it. Bad credit offer is the site, and I find completely credit offer like credit card, home loan, auto loan, personal loan, credit repair and you can get your credit report and score online, wow… very complete and I think that make bad credit offer is the most popular on bad credit loans . They are a free consumer resource and dedicate to help with a less than perfect credit rating and their goal is to provide the consumer with the knowledge and resources to help consumers find the best bad credit loans their need. So, I think this is an opportunity for us to get credit offer with easily and I think if you ready to get credit you can start visit the site and choosing the categories of credit offer and they will help you.

Blogging Ads, make money blogging

Seperti yang pernah aku janjikan pada mas dasir , tentang bisnis paid review mungkin untuk sponsored review, smorty, reviewme dan blogvertise sudah banyak blogger yang membahas, dan kali ini aku mencoba untuk berbagi seputar bloggingads . Bloggingads merupakan bisnis paid review yang tidak banyak berbeda dengan paid review yang lain, hanya saja yang sedikit membedakan adalah ketika kita mendapatkan job, kita mempunyai 2 pilihan, kita ingin membuat sendiri reviewnya atau menggunakan review yang sudah disediakan oleh bloggingads. Enak kan? Yah, untuk yang terlalu sibuk membuat review dari paid review yang lain, mungkin kita bisa menggunakan cara kedua, tetapi kalo kita ada waktu untuk membuat artikel sendiri kenapa tidak? Syarat utama untuk mengikuti bloggingads bisa dibaca di Guidelines dan jangan lupa baca juga FAQnya , itu dulu yang bisa aku informasikan disini semoga bisa membantu.

Home Improvement Experts

Deciding to do some upgrades to your house is a big step, but the next step is finding a Virginia Home Improvement Company that has the experience to give your home the upgrade it deserves. Whether you're looking to add a Four Season Sunroom or Vinyl Replacement Windows , Creative Energy Exteriors is just what you're looking for. Their experience helping homeowners upgrade their homes in the Central Virginia area is second to none, and their selection of options from siding to Glass for windows and sunrooms is nothing short of amazing. Check them out today, give them a call, and see if what they can do for you, because you there's no reason you shouldn't be getting as much as possible from your home.

fireplace mantels

When it comes to getting amazing fireplace mantels nobody does it quite like Agee Woodworks. Their selection of handmade fireplace cabinets and ventless gas fireplaces are second to none, and since none of their mantels are built until you order, you can be sure that the mantel they make for you is made just for you. With a staff that's always ready to help you figure out how to measure for your mantel , I know that you'll be excited when you get your fireplace mantel from Agee Woodworks. I was happy when mine finally arrived.

Quality You Can Trust

Just about anybody can offer up diamonds that you can put into an engagement ring, but only Danforth Diamond has diamonds that make truly beautiful engagement rings. With every shape and only the best cuts, the only thing you'll have to figure out when you shop with Danforth Diamond is whether to get your wedding rings the same day or to wait. Go ahead and check them out, see all of the combinations you can make, and pick out the ring that will make her say yes over and over again.

Sebulan bersama PTR

tidak terasa hari ini genap sebulan aku belajar menggeluti dunia PTR , yah..banyak hal yang aku pelajari selama ini selama ini dan banyak hal juga yang aku dapatkan terutama $$$ hehehe. dan sepertinya meskipun bahasa inggris masih cadel tetapi ternyata aku bisa juga. dan ini tidak lepas dari peran teman2 yang banyak membantu aku dalam rangka bergelut dengan PTR padahal dulu aku lulusan PTN hehehe ( jaka sembung bawa golok ), oya terima kasih untuk teman-teman Mr. Dasir , shirei , toni , madong , ardian , juga angel , inda dan adeq ( gara-gara kalian aku keranjingan PTR hehehe ) yunitae ( aku jadi tahu GBT hehehe thanks mbak ) juga untuk master of PTR Indra Diky untuk tipsnya. Ok guy's let's make full our paypal account.

Great list for great business

In industrial era we found million companies in the world and we cannot know one by one, but if you are a businessman you need to make contact with your client or others company if you want buy or give an order, of course you need a company list to make easy your job. If you are having a business in US, you need help from Mailing List Company to solve your problem and I found the biggest list company for you. In the list company (you can visit you can see about marketing list if you want information about business and marketing and if you want information about consumer mailing list you see 300 million US consumer and they maintenance and update data regularly and also you will find brokers list too. Of course I thing that’s great idea using this data for your business because the data from list company will help give any data you need.

Petuah GONG

Agama itu perilaku. Setiap manusia adalah pemimpin karena dia khalifah Allah, perwujudan Allah di bumi. Pemimpin harus jadi "gong". Gong perangkat gamelan. Kalau "gong" berbunyi maka dia menyerap semua nada. Sifat ini yang harus dimiliki oleh pemimpin. Gong itu cinta kasih. Dengan cinta kasih, maka semua nada-nada dunia baik yang sumbang maupun yang merdu akan bersatu terserap oleh energi gong tadi. Maka, yang ada adalah pancaran kesejukan cinta kasih yang mengayomi kehidupan. Dengan inilah kemelut bangsa ini bisa diselesaikan. Cinta kasih itu nyata, bukan dibibir saja. Cinta itu perwujudan. Harus bisa dirasakan rakyat ( Poedjowardojo )

Vacuum Cleaners for your home

Few days ago, my wife said she want to buy a vacuum cleaners because we don’t have a vacuum for cleaning the dust from the floor and carpets in our home. Of course I don’t know what kind of vacuum cleaners she wants and how much money I have spent to get the vacuum cleaners. I’ll try to find information from many store near our home but that’s make me confuse because all product is the best, I’m trying to find information from internet. Finally I’ve got information about vacuum cleaners from This site gives us completely information such brand, type, design and prices and we can see vacuum cleaners and its very help us to choosing what kind of vacuum cleaners we want. So, if you have a problem like us, I suggest don’t thinking too much. Visit the site and get more information about vacuum cleaners you need.


When you want to build a website in the internet, you must have a domain name because domain name is your address in the internet include the unique alphanumeric name used for identifying and locating computers on the Internet and can make visitor find your website. There is simple step to register a domain name , you need visit the domain registration website and you can register a domain name you want. You must preparing a domain name you want and submit on the form, and you can go to the next step to fill the username and password. You need username and password when you want to manage your domain. Still confuse? You need visit the domain registration website to learn more about how to register a domain name. don’t get worried I’m sure they very friendly to answer you question. Too many domain registration website in the internet and the one of them is and you can visit them and register your domain name. of course like the name, you will get pay less domain...

Online Games business

An online game as you know is a good business because too many people playing online games in every day and still grow and grow in every year. Of course that’s making some businessman try to investing in the online gaming business . Now I will show you about company while give you an opportunity to make online gaming business . The company is uVme and you can visit the site, they are see the online games will be a good business for now and future than they try to combine the most exiting phenomena on the internet Online Games, Social Networking with instant live communication and Social Marketing I’m sure this is will be a great business in the world. They give you and business opportunity for all people around the world and they will help with tools and support. Interested to start online games business? Please try and visit and you will find information how to getting start this business and give support to you...

Antre minyak tanah lagi? cape deeh..

Setelah beberapa hari pasokan minyak tanah di agen dekat rumahku sedikit lancar, kemaren aku temui lagi aksi cari minyak tanah karena kekosongan di agen-agen yang lain. cukup heran juga dengan kejadian tadi malam ketika aku lihat beberapa ibu-ibu asik menenteng jerigen minyak yang kosong mendatangi agen minyak yang juga kehabisan. yah mereka memang atang untuk inden. ups seperti beli mobil atawa motor keluaran baru aja harus pake inden. yah...ternyata dinegara kita yang subur makmur, gemah ripah loh jinawi ini masih ada kejadian-kejadian minyak goreng yang mulai merayap naik, telur yang 11.000, susu yang terkena bakteri ups...kenapa ya? ataukah kilang-kilang minyak juga sedang kosong? entahlah...semoga saja segera normal kembali. tapi..kapan ya? halo bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu digedung DPR sana, adakah anda peduli dengan hal-hal seperti ini? pokoknya cepek deeh...

Get your Tripod Information

Are you a professional photographer or photography lover? I’m sure you need a tripod . Yes tripod is very important tool on photography, because tripod helps us to brace the camera that’s very helpful make a good picture. All photographers always bring these tools anytime. Are you looking for tripod for your activity? And feel confusing how to choose because you see to many products in the market? Don’t be confusing to choose because I’ll give you information where can get tripod information. is the place; of course you can find this information on because this site can give you information about tripod brand like Bogen communication, sunpak, slik, velbon and more, type of tripod, quality and prices. I’m sure you will feel very lucky to see any information in this site because they will give you information and you can find the right product with easier and fast. So if you really want to buy a tripod , you have to visit and find what tripod you need. Don’t b...

Payday Loan Quotes for Emergency Moment

Having problem in emergency moment? Sometimes we have a problem in emergency situation and make us feel confuse. How can we get some money in that’s condition and we need help. If we want help from bank we that need much time for procedure. If you still confuse, now I want to show you how to get cash advance online. In this site you will find how to get payday loans with fast. Right, payday loan quotes is the way to get payday loan with small short term loan and range about $100 up to $1500. To apply payday loans you must have 18 years of age, have a job, email address, driving license, home phone number, home number and more. After you fill the form the lender will asking to you to complete their approval process. Its simple and I’m sure you can do it and can to cover your emergency moment. So if you ready to get payday loans , just visit and you will find any information you need.


Search engine optimization is the most important for website because search engine optimization and search engine marketing can make your site got visitor come from search engine. But, the problem is how to make a site can on the top list of biggest search engine like google and others mayor search engine? Yes, you must make your site friendly wit search engine, but that is not enough because too many element to make your website friendly. If you still confuse how to make your site in the top list on search engine you can visit the and you will find how this company will help how to generate your traffic with search engine SEO, SEM and also they provide with search engine placement to improve your website rank within the preferred. Of course they will help you to place your site on top list on biggest search engine ranking with natural ways and can generate highly quality traffic for your website. And the best of that company is They can pla...

Easy Online Payday Loan the Financial Solution

In our life, sometimes we need cash in unpredictable time but we have no money and we don’t know how to get the money. Wow… that make confusing. But if you know how to get money from payday loa n maybe that’s not make feel confuse. The problem is how to get payday loan ? Yes, for a few people to get loan it’s not so easy because they must preparing too much document. But now, it’s no problem because easy online payday loan is really easy. If you are at least 18 years old and a citizen of the United States, have a job or have an income from welfare or social security and Have an active savings or checking account with a direct deposit set up you just visit In this site you will find how to get lend and they will help you. You just fill the form from them but make sure your information relevant and update. If you do that absolutely they can better assist you. After you fill the form and submitted maybe in some occasions the lender will ask you to make sure yo...