Hemangioma Signs and symptoms

Hemangioma Signs and symptoms, hemangioma is a birthmark that appears as a bright red patch or a nodule of extra blood vessels in the skin. It grows during the first year of life, and then recedes over time. A hemangioma is usually benign and isn't associated with other medical conditions.

Most often hemangioma doesn't require treatment. By age 10, a child who had a hemangioma in infancy usually has little visible trace of the growth.

Signs and symptoms: Hemangioma are connected to the circulatory system and filled with blood. The appearance depends on location. If they are on the surface of the skin, they are reminiscent of a ripe strawberry; however, if they are just under the skin they present as a bluish swelling. Sometimes they grow in internal organs such as the liver or larynx. In most cases, hemangiomas will disappear over time. Some are formed during gestation; the most common are not congenital, but appear during the first few weeks of life. They are often initially misdiagnosed as a scratch or bruise; but the correct diagnosis becomes obvious with further growth. Typically, at the earliest phase in a superficial lesion, one will see a bluish red area with obvious blood vessels and surrounding pallor. Sometimes they present as a flat red or pink area. Hemangiomas are the most common childhood tumor, occurring in approximately ten percent of Caucasians, and are less prevalent in other ethnicities. Females are three to five times as likely to have hemangiomas as males. Hemangiomas are also more common in twin pregnancies. Approximately 80% are located on the face and neck, with the next most prevalent location being the liver.

Read more about Hemangioma Signs and symptoms.


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