Voting Quotes

Voting Quotes. Did you want little motivation to vote on this election day? Here are some famous voting quotes. Some of the quotes are funny, others are inspired and some are a bit cynical.

Lyndon B. Johnson
“Voting is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man to break the injustice and destroying the walls that imprison men because they are terrible different from other men.”

John Quincy Adams
“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

Joseph Stalin
“People who vote do not decide an election, people who count the votes do.”

Will Rogers
“Something important is never left to a popular vote. We have only the right to vote on a man, we never have the right to vote on what to do.”

A quote from Will Rogers’s bonus
“The Democrats are the only reason to vote for Republicans”

Ambrose Bierce
“Vote: The instrument and symbol of the power of a free man to laugh at himself and a wreck of his country”

Abraham Lincoln
“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”

Gore Vidal
“It makes no difference whether you vote for – both parties are really one party representing four percent of the population.”

Bonus Gore Vidal
“Half the American people never read a newspaper. Half never voted for president. Hopefully the same half. ”

“In times of stress and tension, people will vote.”

Henry David Thoreau
“All voting is a sort of game, like chess or backgammon, with a faint moral to it, a game with good and evil.”

Robert Frost
“The thought does not agree or disagree. That voting. “
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