Preakness Stakes | Preakness Stakes 2010

Preakness Stakes | Preakness Stakes 2010. The 2010 Preakness Stakes takes place Saturday just after 6:00 PM Eastern at Pimlico Racetrack in Baltimore, Maryland. On Preakness stakes 2010 we’ll see who will win the Triple Crown.Preakness Stakes 2010.The first horse run was at 10.30 a.m and the horses won’t run until shortly after 6.p.m. After the race begins, the bet is on. The Preakness Stakes 2010 is all about betting and winning on the champion. But not everyone in attendance will be paying that much attention to the race itself. The Preakness infield is known for its rowdy antics and, after banning alcohol coolers last year, inebriating beverages are making a triumphant return for the 2010 race.

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