Florida Appliance Rebate 2010

Florida Appliance Rebate 2010. Florida to take advantage of the $17.6 million appliance rebates and April 16 marks the start of Florida Appliance Rebate 2010 Program. According to the Reported the federal funds for Florida appliances rebates 2010 has a total of $17.5 million and this will give a total of around 68,000 that will qualify for the rebates.

According to myfloridaclimate.com Rebate amount: 20 percent of the purchase price before taxes of a qualifying Energy Star refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, room air conditioners and gas tankless water heaters.

Consumers must purchase the qualifying appliance, and then go on a state website, yet to be announced, to secure a rebate reservation. They must download the application, fill it out and mail it in with their receipt. Appliances must be purchased in person at a store to ensure the state receives its sales tax. No online purchases are allowed.

About 66,000 rebate reservations are anticipated. Consumers will find out when they go online if they have secured one. Go to www.rebates.com/florida to get a Priority Number and reserve a rebate.


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