Three Stooges Movie

Who will play as Moe on The Three Stooges Movie?

The Three Stooges Movie is finally set for production. Written and directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly, together with comedy writer Mike Cerrone, the movie is sure to become a Three Stooges classic. The film is scheduled for release in early 2012.

Three Stooges movie has set two of the three main actors named. Sean Hayes to play Larry and Will Sasso set to play Curly. 20th Century Fox and the Three Stooges directors Peter and Bobby Farrelly still n for the role of Moe. Moe Howard, best known as the leader of The Three Stooges, His distinctive hairstyle came about when he was a boy and cut off his curls with a pair of scissors, producing a ragged shape approximating a helmet or bowl.


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