Remember Alex Brown – Alex Brown texting and driving

Remember Alex Brown – Alex Brown texting and driving. Alexandra Brown, 17 -year-old who died when she was texting and driving. Remember Alex Brown Foundation a nonprofit organized after Alexandra Brown rolled her pickup truck and died on her way to school. She was texting and driving.

in honor of the Remember Alex Brown Foundation Emma Roberts, Justin Bieber, Carl Edwards and Greg Biffle will appear on ABC Sunday's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"

The Browns decided to start the Remember Alex Brown Foundation the day she died. "I chose to do it that day at the hospital," her father says. "We have to put the truck on a trailer and we have to go to schools and tell people about the dangers of texting and driving."

Dedicated to making sure no other family suffers such heartbreaking loss, the Browns turned their tragedy into something constructive, and today they travel around Texas to local high schools with Alex's wrecked truck on their flat-bed trailer to remind young people of the dangers of distracted driving. Their goal is simple: They want to save lives. Join their effort by taking the pledge today.

Print out the pledge, sign it and remember Alex Brown.



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