Unvarnished - Unvarnished Website

Unvarnished website is the most search today. More people searching unvarnished to find more about this website. Unvarnished is a controversial new “people review site,” The Unvarnished website is an online site where anyone can write anything they want about whatever or whoever they want with virtually no way to trace or track who wrote which posts.

The users of Unvarnished connect to the site via Facebook can create a profile about someone else and post reviews of that person's workplace performance. The subjects of such reviews can, if they choose, “claim” their profiles and manage them to a degree, but they will not be able to delete negative reviews. After testing, the site is expected to be open to the public.

Unvarnished is already raising ethical and legal concerns related to privacy and protection from defamation, with many questions focusing on the fact that the critiques are anonymous. Reviewers have overwhelmingly panned the website.


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