Shakespeare Trilogy - The Most Hapless of Monarchs

Jeopardy Game posted "Though called the most hapless of Monarchs", this King is in the title Shakespeare's only trilogy.

which king is the title of a Shakespeare trilogy? Is Henry VI the title of a Shakespeare trilogy?

According to Henry was the most hapless of monarchs. He was so honest and well-meaning that he might have made a good ruler in quiet times. But he was crushed by the burden of his inheritance.

He had not the genius to find a way out of the French entanglement or the skill to steer a constitutional monarchy between rival factions. So the system and policy which were the creations of Henry IV. and Henry V. led under Henry VI. to the ruin of their dynasty. Henry's very virtues added to his difficulties. He was so trusting that any one could influence him, so faithful that he would not give up a minister who had become impossible.


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