Christmas’ joy

By the time range of only a single month to the fore, all the Christian in the world will celebrate Christmas. On the last weeks of November like now, the workload of Christmas is already mounting. And from what I see, in almost big shopping centre and malls in this city is already decorate their place with Christmas - related properties.

The ones that never left from Christmas if of course the Christmas tree, with all it's dangling hanging tabs. There are shining balls, small Santa tabs, candy canes, and small lamps, and sometimes on the edge of the Christmas trees' leave, it is decorated with snowy-like. The Christmas Ideas seems to never ending. More over if Christmas is only in counting of days, many kinds of games and quiz are held.

This is the moment where family will gather in a warm bless. And the seniors will be busy to prepare their dining. Kids will be busy with their presents, and boys and girls will exchange each other gifts. Or perhaps a brand new table set have been bought specially to celebrate Christmas.

Many ways, many types can be executed. But the most important is, this is the sacred moment. A moment of sharing joys.


  1. Kalo Natal di Ende banyak sekali pohon2 Natal dan kalo ke rumah sodara yang aku suka itu hiasan2 pohon Natalnya. Meski bukan pohon asli (cuma pohon plastik yang dibeli di toko) tapi keren2... ada yang nambahin/bikin semacam gua plus bayi Yesus di bawah pohon dllnyah... ada domba2 dllnya... keren :)

  2. Mampir ke sini bro..

  3. Mas, ada paid review baru yang bisa nerima blog Indonesia. Baca di posting terakhirku..

  4. wah paid reviewnya lancar terusssss


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