
Showing posts from November, 2008

Tips Sukses Bermain di Payperpost

Tips Sukses Bermain di Payperspot ini adalah lanjutan dari postingan di blog ini terdahulu tips bermain di payperpost yang membahas tentang bagaimana mendaftar serta persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi ( wih serius amat? ) dan hari ini saya mencoba berbagi lagi bagaimana sukses mendapatkan job dan sedikit trik mengerjakan job dari payperpost. Sedikit berbeda dari broker – broker paid review atau paid blogging yang lain, payperpost mempunyai aturan yang sedikit membuat kita yang mempunyai keterbatasan dalam berbahasa inggris agak tergagap dengan aturan yang ada. Setelah blog anda mendapatkan aproval dari payperpost maka anda silahkan tambahkan disclosure policy diblog anda, karena tanpa ini job yang anda kerjakan tidak akan diaprove oleh pihak payperpost. Mohon diingat setelah anda log in kemember area kemudian klik open opportunity dan anda akan melihat deretan job dan anda hanya bisa mengambil job yang berwarna putih dan hijau. Job sudah anda dapatkan job jangan langsung log out karena ...

Holding a unique exhibition

It’s good to be different, there’s nothing wrong with it. Especially if you are dealing with products to sell. Make things feel, look or sounds different from the other will make it unique. In facts, this is considered as one prominent key of successful marketing. Including if you are about to hold an exhibition. If you wanna make it original, you can make a Custom Trade Show Exhibit . If you feel like in the lack of idea, you can ask the expertise of Custom Trade Show Exhibits to help you out. As we all know that idea is the key of uniqueness, and most of the time, Exhibit Booth service provider have had a complete team to handle. From the planning, designer, the artisan, and even till the wood worker to fit the idea. Or else, we have the right to deliver our original idea or footage for our own exhibition, exactly like we want.

Christmas’ joy

By the time range of only a single month to the fore, all the Christian in the world will celebrate Christmas. On the last weeks of November like now, the workload of Christmas is already mounting. And from what I see, in almost big shopping centre and malls in this city is already decorate their place with Christmas - related properties. The ones that never left from Christmas if of course the Christmas tree, with all it's dangling hanging tabs. There are shining balls, small Santa tabs, candy canes, and small lamps, and sometimes on the edge of the Christmas trees' leave, it is decorated with snowy-like. The Christmas Ideas seems to never ending. More over if Christmas is only in counting of days, many kinds of games and quiz are held. This is the moment where family will gather in a warm bless. And the seniors will be busy to prepare their dining. Kids will be busy with their presents, and boys and girls will exchange each other gifts. Or perhaps a brand new table set have ...