Choosing new server hosting.

I have no idea what has happened to me lately, but I feel that the blogging virus has been contaminating me so much. Due to my bloggin activities in blogwalking and giving comments, now the visitors of my blog is increasing too. And It is about the time for me to rent a new larger hosting to rent if I don't want my blog to be down in minutes.

Now I concentrate in searching for a server hosting. I am thinking of choosing my server to be in foreign rather than in local server hosting. In my opinion, having server in foreign will make it easier to be traced. I found this cool offering from dedicated hosting, which placed in Canada.

There are three kinds of hosting plans here, there is basic, standard and Pro package. The standard package provides a free setup, 2500 GB bandwidth, using cpanel, and 24/7 server monitoring. I will be charged for $299 permonth. I remember I already have paypal account. So I think to my selft, I won't have any difficulty to fulfill the charge.

I want my blog to stay existing, and I don't want it to be down so easily. So I started to do the file back-up and ready to move.


  1. apaan nih kang?he..he..harap maklum,anak pak rantau gak isa bahasa linggis..

  2. good..good..good hehehe..succes to you uncle

  3. i do hosting since a few years ago. but i prefer to do that in one of free hosting provider (he2).. so althought i don't have paypal account, i still can back up my files there..

    but, it's a good information for me. i hope in the future i can make my own site with my own name domain. and the way to realize it is by choosing new server hosting.
    thanks 4 d' information..

    blah blah blah.. lidahku keplintir..
    *numpang blajar sepik2 linggis kang..* he2

  4. update,update,update...hayo..ngilang kemana nih?


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