Dreaming About Anna Kournikova

We heard a lot about famous woman tennis player from news paper or television. And a lot of them has own story. Like Anna Kournikova here I want to tell you.
She was gorgeous girl I have ever seen before. Her long pretty hair, sexiest body, cute face, I'm imagine how lucky is someone who can own her heart. It's limited edition by God, not much people were able to reach her. Wasn't because she is famous or a lot bodyguard around her every time, but I think she were looking one guy. One guy who could steal her heart, steal her attention between every charm things she ever saw. Perhaps some prince charming with coat of chain-mail. Hehehe...


  1. last night i dream about Anna, but not Anna Kournikova :D. She's really pretty. please send my greetings to her cmiaw :D

  2. mas..kamu bahas ingrisku ilang. apa arti tulisan diatas yach?he..he..

  3. sit...sit... u lk tnis... yk ply wth me at senayan... hw ur rspn?

  4. @ Ipanks : ntar aku sampein bro hehehe
    @ KDS : artinya anna pingin kenalan ama mbak hehehe
    @ Masenchipz : tawaran ini buat siapa bro? buat anna ya?

  5. mas m2m..posting ttg maria sharapova jg dong..aq penggemar beratnya nih..:)

  6. unieq juga ga tau artinya...
    cuma sama mba dian aj ya si Anna pengen kenalan..???
    kok ga mau kenalan ma unieq siyh?? padahal unieq orangnya baik hati dan tidak sombong :P

  7. Anna Kurnikova emang moyyy, udah cantik, kaya, berprestasi dan gak bau he he :-)


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