Once upon a time is a new fairy tale drama television series on ABC and Sunday October 30, 2011 is airing date of Once upon a time season 1 episode 2 . The title of this episode is The Thing You Love Most and you can watch at 8:00 PM on ABC. On this episode Regina tries to force Emma out of Storybrooke and out of her and Henry's lives permanently. Meanwhile, it is revealed how the Evil Queen released the curse upon the fairytale world. Stars of Once upon a time are including Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin, Joshua Dallas, Jared Gilmore, Jamie Dornan, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Raphael Sbarge. On the Once upon a time season 1 episode 2 you can also watch Jamie Dornan, Kristin Bauer, Meghan Ory, David-Paul Grove, Tony Perez, Giancarlo Esposito as additional Cast. Guys, don’t forget watch Once upon a time season 1 episode 2.